THE WHEELMEN - The San Francisco Call, 01 Jun 1895

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Race Meet of the San Jose Road Club To-Day.

Club Events To-Morrow.

Acme Club Wheelmen - Run to Camp Taylor.
Bay City Wheelmen - Run to Camp Taylor.
California Cycling Club - Race at Central Park track.
Camera Club Cyclists - Run to San Leandro.
Crescent Road Club - Run to Niles Canyon.
Garden City Cyclers, San Jose - Run to Sargent.
Liberty Cycling Club - Century run around the bay.
Olympic Club Wheelmen - Run to San Carlos.
Outing Road Club - Run to Tocoloma.
Pajaro Valley Wheelmen, Watsonville - Run to Sargents.
Pilot Wheelmen, Santa Cruz - Run to Sargents.
Royal Cycling Club - Run to Redwood City.
San Francisco Road Club - Run to Petaluma.
San Jose Road Club, San Jose - Run to Sargents.
Tribune Cyclers, Gilroy - Run to Sargents.
Verein Eintracht Cycling Club - Run to Santa Cruz; run to Uncle Tom's Cabin.

There will be a big meeting of racing wheelmen to-day at San Jose, when four good events will be run off under the auspices of the San Jose Road Club on the celebrated three-lap track of the Garden City Cyclers. There are fifty-five riders entered altogether, of which twenty-four are novices; thirty-three are entered in the two-mile class A handicap, seventeen in the one-mile scratch, class A and ten in the two-mile handicap, class B. Tandem-pacing will be introduced in the two-mile handicap, class A, in an endeavor to lower the record. As an additional card A. M. Boyden and C. R. Griffiths of the Reliance Club Wheelmen will go against the tandem record for one mile, class A, of 2:09, made by B. E. Clark and O. B. Smith of the Garden City Cyclers at Santa Rosa, May 9.

The following are the handicaps for the two-mile class A and the two-mile class B, the other two events being scratch races:

Class A - H. F. Terrill, B. C. W., scratch; R. Moody, G. C. C., 75 yards; F. A. McFarland, S. J. R. C., 75; T. E Belloli, S. J. R. C., 125; G. Bell, S. J. R. C., 200; B. E. Clark, G. C. C., 190: J. M. Welch, S. J. R. C., 250; J. J. Carroll, S. J. R. C., 225; S. B. Vincent, B. C. W., 125; G. Armstrong, A. C. W., 160; E. Malgren, P. V. W., 200. R. Hogg, S. J. R. C., 150; C. M. Smith, G. C. C. 175; G. A. Johnson, unattached, 250; C. C. Peppin, S. J. R. C., 200; M. F. Ashworth, S. J. R. C., 190: C. A. Covalt, R. C. W., 200; C. R. Grifiths, R. C. W., 170; A. M. Boyden, R. C. W., 250; R. D. Belden, U. C., 250; P. R. Mott, A. C. W., 175: O. B. Smith, G. C. C., 150; M. Quimby, A. C. W., 200; R. W. Marcus, unattached, 250: W. L. Thompson, B. C. W., 200; G. Hardenbrook, S. J. R. C, 125; G. Navlet, S. J. R. C., 125; V. A. Benson, S. J. R. C., 190; A. Shermen, unattached, 200; A. Berryessa, S. J. R. C., 200; M. J. O'Brien, S. J. R. C., 225; P. W. Metcalf, I. C. C., 150; W. Harrit, S. J. R. C., 150.

Class B - C. M. Castleman, A. C. W., scratch: W. A. Burke, A. C. W., scratch; C. S. Wells, B. C. W., scratch; W. F. Foster, O. C. W., scratch; R. L. Long, O. C. W., 150 yards; T. Delmas, G. C. C., 180; J. C. Smith, G. C. C., 200; H. C. Smith, G. C. C. 180; R. Cushing, G. C. C., 200; A. C. Pillsbury, P. A. W., 150.

The Bay City Wheelmen's meet at Central Park Decoration day was quite successful, financially, and the club netted a tidy sum for its treasury. The prizes have all been distributed and the meet was very satisfactory in every particular.

The Summer Club is the latest addition to the ranks of the organized cyclers. A party of wheel enthusiasts banded together last Monday evening at 17 Van Ness Avenue. Short runs into the country will be a feature of the club. The following officers were chosen: O. T. Green, president; J. Basch, secretary and treasurer; Joseph Kragan, captain; G. Hensley, first lieutenant; Ed Flynn, second lieutenant; L. G. Ratto, color-bearer.

The members are all native sons and very appropriately have chosen our State insignia, the California poppy, as their emblem. The membership is now sixteen and is limited to twenty-five. June 10 is set for their initial outing. On that date the club will journey to Santa Cruz, and will be the guests of the Pilot Wheelmen of that city during the carnival week. Several of the riders will take part in the parade, with the expectation of carrying away some of the honors for decorated wheels. Others are entered in the races and seem confident of winning laurels. The organization will soon make application for membership in the Associated Cycling Clubs.

All communications should be addressed to 412 Montgomery street, J. Basch secretary.

The California Associated Cycling Clubs will hold its regular bi-monthly meeting to-light at the rooms of the Reliance Club Wheelmen, San Pablo avenue and Seventeenth street, Oakland. Five important amendments to the by-laws, presented for first reading at the last meeting, will be considered.

The first is that in future all relay teams must be composed solely of men qualifying under class A of the League of American Wheelmen racing rules. This would effectually shut out all imported class B racing talent, making the race more of a home affair, and would place the contest on a much more even basis.

Another amendment, offered by G. P. Wetmore, is that no change shall be made in any of the rules governing the relay race from those in operation at the time of the first relay, except by the unanimous consent of all the delegates present at any meeting, notice of such proposed change being first sent to each delegate at least thirty days prior to final action on same.

Mr. Wetmore's idea evidently is that as the relay race is for the same trophy each year the rules which originally governed the content should prevail until the result is finally decided. He is probably in favor of teams being composed of both classes.

An endeavor will be made to amend article 3, section 1, by striking out all of the second half of the section, commencing with the words "And no rebate," and inserting the clause: "Clubs joining the association between May 1 and August 1 shall pay six months' dues, or $5." This will probably be adopted without objection.

There will be a long discussion over this amendment: "In all competitions under the auspices of the C. A. C. C. a rider holding membership in two or more clubs shall not be permitted to compete against the parent club except by written consent of That club."

In this amendment "parent club" shall be understood to mean the club under whose colors the rider first competes. Some claim a rider should be allowed to belong to as many cycling organizations as he likes and ride under whichever colors he pleases when a race is given. But there is great opposition to this way of thinking from those who believe one "cannot serve two masters," and that a rider should be loyal to one club and stick by it.

George F. Neece of the Acme Club offered the following amendment, and at the first reading it was bitterly opposed. It will come up for final action to-night: "It shall be the duty of the secretary of every club belonging to the association to notify the secretary of the C. A. C. C. of all suspensions or expulsions caused for nonpayment of dues. No member so suspended or expelled shall be eligible to membership in any other club belonging to the association, or can participate in any event held under the auspices of the association, until the cause of such suspension or expulsion is removed."

The Visalia wheelmen are making great preparations for the celebration of the

Mrs. Joseph B. Carey, One of the Best Lady Cyclists in San Jose.

coming Fourth of July. They have arranged for a series of races and parades, and offer liberal prizes to all who will contest and are successful. The programme opens in the morning with a six-mile road race. This will be followed by a general parade in which there will doubtless be s large number of riders in line. In the afternoon there will be a quarter-mile straightaway scratch race, for which three prizes are offered, open to all class A riders. In the evening a grand illuminated parade of wheelmen will take place, and a fine bicycle banner will be offered to the club or town having the largest number of wheelmen in line. The local riders will not compete for this prize. A prize will also be offered for the best gentleman's or lady's decorated and illuminated wheel. The local wheelmen will entertain the visiting riders lavishly, and will try to make their stay as pleasant as possible. The committee in charge of the cycling events consists of L. Lawrence, J. E.

James Joyce Jr., a Popular Eastern Wheelman Now Visiting the Coast.

Combs, L. C. Hyde, W. J. Nicholson and H. G. Stuart. Entries and communications should be addressed to L. Lawrence, chairman wheelmen's committee, Visalia, Cal.

To-morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, J. E. Edwards of the Olympic Club Wheelmen, the Imperial Cycling Club, the San Francisco Y. M. C. A. Cycling Club, and member of several other wheeling organizations, will make an effort to lower the world's five-mile road record, on the straightaway stretch from San Mateo to San Carlos. He was to have made this endeavor last Sunday, but rain prevented. He will be paced by tandems. He has ridden the distance over this course in 12:13 1-5. The record he wants to beat is 11:19. A minute under such conditions is a whole lot of time. Can he do it?

The Liberty Cycling Club held a most enjoyable picnic at Tamalpais on Decoration day. The members and their lady friends and invited guests gathered on the 9 A. M. boat and took the train for Tamalpais station, where a short walk brought them to the picnic grounds. Dancing formed a large part of the day's amusement, while private lunching parties wandered off into the woods near by at noon. The affair was successfully managed, and the only regret was that the day seemed too short, for the pleasures had made the time pass quickly.

At a meeting held last Tuesday evening W. Shnuetenhauz, R. Quartz, B. Fenning and C. Westphal were elected members of the Liberty Cycling Club. The club has been presented with an elegant banner by N. A. Robinson, one of its members, which will hereafter be carried at the head of the column in all parades.

Owing to the rain last Sunday the San Francisco Road Club was unable to take its proposed outing to Petaluma, so Captain L. L. Korn has announced the same run for to-morrow. The members are instructed to assemble at Seventh and Market streets at 7:30 A. M., and will take the 8 o'clock boat and train to San Rafael, and ride from there, the distance being twenty-two miles.

Captain Lynngreen of the Verein Eintracht Cycling Club has called two runs for to-day and to-morrow. The first under the captain and First Lieutenant H. C. Frank will leave 112 Golden Gate avenue this evening at 7 o'clock, the destination being Santa Cruz. The other run will be to Uncle Tom's Cabin to-morrow, about sixteen miles away on the San Jose road, and will be managed by Second Lieutenant A. Peterson.

The mile competition records for both classes were considerably lowered last Thursday. At Waltham, Mass., C. M. Murphy brought the class B record down to 2:01 4-5, which is 2 1-5 seconds better time than Bald's performance at San Jose on April 20, and helps confirm my prediction that the mile competition record would be under 2 minutes before the 1895 racing season closed. At Los Angeles H. McCrea made a mile in a race in 2:15 1/2, which is now the class A competition record for the coast.

M. F. Dirnberger's mile record against time, flying start, paced by a quadruplet, of 1:45, made at Louisville on Wednesday, is a remarkable performance, and his two miles in 3:51 4-5 on Thursday is another evidence that the curly-haired Mike is in far better shape than when he visited us out here in the spring of 1894. These records will stand until the end of September now, as the league rules state: "No private record trials will be sanctioned between June 1 and October 1."

Captain Argenti has called an afternoon run of the Camera Club Cyclists to-day at 3 o'clock. Meeting place, Baker-street entrance to the park; destination, the Cliffhouse and Presidio. Tomorrow the cyclists will have a "cherry run" to the orchard of Dr. Harmon, near San Leandro, through the kindness of W. N. Brunt. The riders will leave here on the 9:15 A. M. narrow-gauge boat. After visiting the orchard they will wheel to San Leandro for luncheon.

Wilbur F. Knapp and E. N. Creigh have been elected members of the Bay City Wheelmen.

H. D. Hadenfeldt has been elected second lieutenant of the Olympic Club Wheelmen, vice W. L. Geldert, who resigned on account of press of business.

The Acme Club Wheelmen of Oakland and the Bay City Wheelmen of this City will to-morrow hold a joint club run to Camp Taylor, leaving here on the 9 A. M. Sausalito ferry. As both clubs have very large memberships it is expected this will be one of the largest runs of the season.

Wheelmen of this locality will attend the Santa Cruz water carnival and cycle races in large numbers of June 15. Nearly all the clubs will have runs to that point, and the men are already making arrangements for accommodations. The Pilot Wheelmen of Santa Cruz will entertain the visitors liberally, and a jolly time is assured all who make the trip.

Acting on the suggestion I made in the CALL Thursday, Captain Burke has again postponed the picnic run of the California Associated Cycling Clubs scheduled for Niles on June 16, as every one seemed more inclined to go to Santa Cruz. The run will doubtless come off the following Sunday, however, June 23, when a large crowd is assured.

James Joyce Jr., whose likeness is presented herewith, has been on the coast for about three months, traveling for the Columbia people. He has made friends everywhere, and our only wish is that his principals would locate him here permanently. While here he has given the local men some ideas in the way of timing races, and as a result their work in that respect has been much better that heretofore.

Mrs. Joseph B. Carey of San Jose is a great long-distance rider. With her husband, who is cycling editor of the Mercury, she frequently takes long trips into the country, and she stands the journeys well and never seems to tire of the sport. She rides a seventeen-pound Ariel, diamond frame, and wears the rational costume, bloomers without their unnecessary adjunct, leggins.

The Crescent Road Club will have a run to-morrow to Niles Canyon under Captain A. Beardwald, taking the 8 A. M. broad-gauge boat. The club has recently elected to membership W. Peebles, H. Gunderson, J. Alexander and M. Jacobson, and have a number of new applications awaiting action.

A new cycling club has been formed at Lakeport under the name of the Clear Lake Cyclers. The club starts off with a membership of twenty-three and the following officers: Dr. C. W. Kellogg, president; W. L. Rideout, secretary-treasurer; F. L. Coles, captain; F. Green, lieutenant.

Charles Bain, a popular member of the Reliance Club Wheelmen of Oakland, leaves for Yokohama on June 5. His intention is to learn the ins and outs of the tea business before returning. Incidentally he will do a little trading in bicycles, and might possibly be induced to enter a race or two. If he does, look out for him, you Japs.

Victor A. and Frank Hancock are now traveling through Northern California in the interests of the League of American Wheelmen, gathering data for the roadbook of this division. A very valuable addition to this book will also be a map of the route from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the new work commencing from Pleyto, Monterey County. The Hancock brothers are now in Mendocino County, and an interesting letter has been received from them from Ukiah, under date of May 27, as follows:

Dear Friends: We have been here since Saturday, on account of rain. It has been pouring, with a little rest between showers. We rode down from Lakeport in the rain and were sights when we came in - mud from head to foot. We went up the Pieta grade to Highland Springs - eight miles up and five down. It is the finest grade in the State and can all be ridden with rests between. The grade is six feet to the hundred, surface all smooth, no rocks. The road from San Rafael north is better than last year, from Petaluma worse, and from Santa Rosa to Healdsburg very poor, as it has dust and ruts; will be better after this rain. From Healdsburg to Cloverdale it is good. It has snowed north of here; It can be seen on the mountains from here.

If possible will start to-morrow. Lots of wheels all along the line. Mrs. George Faulkner and Miss Wilson of Oakland came up from the City on wheels, and left for Lakeport by stage with their wheels to-day to stay until the rain is over, when they will return via Calistoga and Napa Valley. We took in several members for the league and made rates at Highland Springs, Saratoga Springs, Laurel Dell and Blue Lakes. Yours, V. A. HANCOCK.

The Oakland Y. M. C. A. Cycling Club will hold a reception this afternoon and evening at their rooms to wheelmen and their lady friends. An entertainment will form part of the evening's pleasure.

A big joint club run will be held tomorrow by the wheelmen of Santa Clara County to Sargents, some thirty miles south of San Jose, where they will be treated to a barbecue and feast as the guests of the Tribune Cyclers of Gilroy. The clubs that will attend in a body will be the Garden City Cyclers and the Road Club of San Jose, the Pajaro Valley Wheelmen of Watsonville and the Pilot Wheelmen of Santa Cruz.

The members of the Liberty Cycling Club will start to-morrow morning at 6 o'clock on a century run to San Jose and return. They will meet at Eighteenth and Valencia streets.

The California Cycling Club will hold the third of a series of one-mile handicap club races at the Central Park track tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock.